Beautiful. Well-behaved. Laid-back. Affectionate. Sweet. Docile. Charming. Friendly. Energetic. Loud. Funny. These are some of the words used to describe Harlequin Macaws.
This hybrid bird is known for its striking features, impressive intelligence, wide vocabulary, and outgoing, captivating personality.
In fact, the word “harlequin” means “clown” — and these playful birds truly live up to that reputation! But before you rush to adopt one, there are a few key things to consider.
For example, their loud voices can wake you up at any hour of the night. And their social nature means you’ll need to play with them for a few hours every day.
Read on to learn the top 10 things you should know before adopting a Harlequin Macaw bird.
Learn About Common Behaviour Facts of Harlequin Macaw Bird
01. They are Hybrid Birds That are a Cross Between a Blue and Gold Macaw and a Green-Winged Macaw
The combination of these two very highly-regarded pet birds creates their striking colors.
When the blue and gold macaw and green-winged macaw mate, the male gives the dominant gene that creates their colorful appearance. You’ll see a big range of colors, color combinations and patterns.
However, most are orange on their chests and bellies, with green and blue on their backs. Many have gold feathers under their tail feathers.
And as far as personality goes, they typically inherit the docile side of the green-winged macaw and the clownish personality of the blue and gold macaw.
However, both birds are known for having laid-back, affectionate personalities, so these birds usually inherit that too.
02. Only Bred in Captivity
It’s very rare to find one in the wild. In fact, they are one of the most popular types of hybrid birds that have been successfully bred in captivity for many years.
It’s usually easier to find them for sale than it is to find some of the less commonly bred hybrid birds. That’s why, in recent years, they have become very popular pets.
03. They Can Get Big, Even For Parrots
These beautiful birds usually end up being a little more than two pounds and about 34 to 40 inches in length, from the beak to the tip of the tail feathers.
They usually inherit their girth from their green-winged macaw parent. Their wingspan can typically reach about 40 inches or more. So if you want to adopt one, be prepared to get a big cage!
04. Harlequins are Extremely Friendly, social, and vocal
Especially if these birds are socialized at an early age, they can become very good talkers and tend to speak to anyone who will listen.
They’re generally very intelligent, talk a lot and even laugh sometimes! But in order to make good pets, they require good socialization and training from a young age.
Otherwise (and even sometimes in spite of training), they can be extremely noisy birds.
As super-friendly birds, they need lots of human interaction to stay happy, healthy and well-adjusted.
As a social bird, they love being part of a flock. With that in mind, you should try to include your bird in as many activities as possible to help him feel like just another member of the “flock.”
05. Mostly Live in Their cages, but They do Need to be Let Out Every Day to Fly around, Play and Socialize
They really enjoy playing in a playpen or on a parrot perch in their cage. It’s important to keep your bird’s cage stocked with plenty of food, toys and other things to keep him occupied so he doesn’t get bored!
But they can’t live in their cages all the time. They do need to be let out for a few hours every day to get some much-needed exercise and socialization.
06. They Like Many Foods
They are usually very good eaters, typically enjoying a variety of high-quality seeds, nuts, bird-safe fruits and vegetables, commercial pellets and many of the same healthy foods that humans eat.
A varied diet made up of these healthy foods will help your bird receive the best nutrition and help him live a long, healthy life.
One important note: Never feed your bird avocado, as it may be toxic! In addition, be sure that your bird always has fresh water to drink.
07. Harlequins are Very Smart
Most are easy to train and love learning new tricks. Many of these birds have a vocabulary of about 15 words or expressions that they use regularly to fit in with the rest of the family.
You may even be able to teach your bird to greet you each day with a cheery, “Good morning!”
This is partial because they want to communicate with you, and partially because it’s a way for them to feel like true members of the family. They generally pick up on training cues very easily and embrace any opportunity to learn something new.
08. Harlequin Macaw Lifespan
Most common garden birds have a life span of between two and five years. The life span of a mini macaw is 20 to 25 years.
But this bird has them all beat! On average, harlequin macaw can live 40 to 60 years or more.
Can you believe that? However, at age 40, most begin to slow down a bit and show signs of aging. But even then, some can go on to live 20 more years after that!
09. They Need Plenty of Exercises
To ensure that your bird stays in top physical and mental shape, it’s important to give him plenty of exercise.
Even though these birds enjoy being in their cages, they need to get out about three to four hours per day to play, interact with people and things, as well as get some exercise.
This not only prevents excessive weight gain and allows your bird to stretch his wings, it also helps prevent boredom.
If they get bored or don’t get enough attention, they’ve been known to chew on furniture, bite people and become destructive around the house.
To prevent this, make sure to keep him occupied outside his cage for a few hours every day. Hold him lovingly, give him plenty of toys to play with and let him fly around to get some energy out.
10. Can be Very Loud.
All parrots are known for being loud, but these are truly known for ear-shattering vocals. Sometimes they can even scream at the top of their lungs early in the morning!
Typically, these birds are only extremely loud when they aren’t handled well, become bored or don’t have their basic needs met.
But sometimes, even when they’re well taken care of, they can simply be ornery and just start screaming.
They have a lot to say and they don’t care how loud they have to say it or what time of the day it is!
Harlequin Macaws are some of the world’s most beautiful, intelligent, engaging, affectionate, funny and social birds.
It’s no wonder that they have become such popular pets in recent years. They can make absolutely amazing companions, sometimes even for a lifetime.
However, they should not be bought on a whim. Remember that they can live 60 years or more!
Harlequin Macaw History
Before we go through the history appropriately, let’s look at the origination of the name “Harlequin” and what it means.
The name is connected/associated with two phrases, highlighting its distinctiveness/uniqueness. The first is “clown/joker,” representing the bird’s nature/personality.
The other meaning/implication is “color variation & pattern,” highlighting the attractiveness of this parrot. Especially its rainbow appearance/color, making it one of the most beautiful birds anyone could own.
Harlequin is a product of two natural/true Macaw species (the Blue-and-Gold Macaw and Green-winged Macaw), making it the first Macaw hybrid.
The behaviors/attributes Harlequin possesses can be traced back to both parents.
Usually, Harlequins are bred outside of the wild or Macaw’s natural habitat. Nevertheless, it doesn’t take away the possibilities of it happening in the wide.
There is a slight possibility that the parents could come in contact in the wild, mate, and breed as the case may be.
This story doesn’t end there. Over the years, we have seen several species made/created from crossing the Harlequin with specific Macaws (both true and other hybrids), giving rise to different generations of Macaw hybrids.
Considering all the crossbreeding that has happened/occurred over the years (Harlequin x other species). The products (popular names) around are Tropicana, Jubilee, Quatro, Fiesta, Maui sunrise and Harligold Macaws.
Harlequin Macaws Features
- Common foods they feed on include nuts, fruits, seeds, vegetables, and larvae eggs (small size).
- On average, the litter size is between three and four eggs.
- The average weight of an adult Harlequin is about two (2) pounds.
- The size of an adult Harlequin is around 37-inches, on average
- This bird can live for about fifty (50) years on average. If the conditions are right, the lifespan may extend by another thirty (30) years to make it eighty (80).
- Harlequin is super affectionate, highly intelligent, and possesses excellent speech capabilities.
How Much Harlequin Macaw Price
This section discusses the price reality/expectations when picking up a Harlequin or making it your pet.
Before we go further, it is essential to know that various factors could contribute to how much a prospective owner pays for a Harlequin. These include the breeder’s reputation and the basis behind the bird’s existence (wild or captive-bred).
Depending on the situations/conditions mentioned above, this bird may cost about $4250 on average. That is as low as three thousand five hundred ($3,500) dollars and as high as ($5,000).
If you admire the Harlequin Macaw but can’t afford the cost implication, an area to look at is adoption.
As we indicated earlier, under the characteristics/features section. Harlequins have an impressive lifespan. As a result, they may live longer than individuals that originally owned them.
As a result, rescue and adoption agencies take over the ownership until they find a worthy individual or home for them.
Also, there are instances where the owner may consider putting the bird up for adoption (in a situation where they can give the bird the lifestyle or best life it desires).
How to Do Harlequin Macaw Care
Ensure the bird receives a lot of time and attention
Harlequin Macaws are attention lovers. Before anyone goes ahead to buy/adopt one, you should be ready with the commitment that comes with it.
Once Harlequins begin to feel uncared for or doesn’t socialize due to the owner’s lack of time. It could result in an unappealing experience. The bird could start behaving hostile and destructive.
The cage should be big enough
Harlequin Macaws are large birds. Ensure the cage is spacious (at least times two the bird’s size) to allow free movement and feather stretching.
Also, the cage should be equipped with toys (ensure the toys are not harmful) and a bathing bowl to keep the bird active and alive.
Adequate cleaning
The cage should be cleaned regularly. With excellent hygiene in place, this lowers possible disease outbreaks.
Ensure the bird is well-fed. The food choice should be free from toxins/contaminants. Also, vet appointments/schedules should be adhered to.
How to identify a reliable Harlequin breeder?
If you are buying the Harlequin parrot from a breeder, especially if it wasn’t through referral or reliable recommendation. It is crucial to ask appropriate questions.
The concerns the questions should address include: their experience with the Macaw species, especially how long they have been involved in taking care and breeding the Harlequin.
Their understanding of the Macaw species will tell if they are to be trusted or not.
What attributes/characteristics should I look out for when selecting a Harlequin?
While at the breeder’s place, avoid picking the last bird. If there is just one Harlequin available for purchase, it is better to avoid such a situation.
The most ideal purchase approach is to have a group of birds to choose from.
When selecting, ensure you watch out for signs that depict a healthy/active bird.
For instance, the feathers must be neat/clean, the feet must be firm, the eyes must be bright, and many other signs of an active bird could be thought of or come to mind.
What common health challenges could a Harlequin suffer from?
While maintaining the best hygiene standard doesn’t eliminate possible disease attacks.
It lowers it considerably. Some of the common diseases your bird could suffer from include beak deformities (this is most common in Harlequin chick), Macaw Wasting Disease (a disease that affects the bird’s digestive system), viral/bacterial/fungal infections, and parrot fever.
Why would the Harlequin Macaw shred its feathers?
It is important to note that the bird could look sick when receiving less attention or feeling bored/neglected even with adequate hygiene. In that case, the bird may start shedding its feathers or picking its skin.
Why does Harlequin Macaw need exercise, and how often should the activity occur?
The primary purpose of exercise/training is to keep the Harlequin healthy (avoiding obesity/weight gain and promoting adequate physical & mental health).
On average, set aside at least 3 hours of your time every day to supervise the Harlequin Macaw as it gets out of the cage.
Asides from giving enough room for the bird to stretch its feet and feather, it is also a great time to bond with the bird.
Final Words
Are you prepared to take care of something for that long? And remember that their voices can sometimes be so loud that they can wake people up in the wee hours of the morning.
Are you OK with occasionally being woken up by a bird wanting attention? In addition, they need big cages, high-quality food, many toys and potentially a lot of veterinary care (which means a lot of veterinary bills).
If you understand everything required to give a Harlequin Macaw a great life, then go ahead and adopt one to give him a much-needed loving home.
But if you have any hesitation about tending to their many needs, it’s probably a good idea to hold off. Consider everything outlined above and then make your decision wisely!

Hi, I’m Regina Rios. Just another bird lover who loves to share knowledge from personal experience. I’ve grown up with pet birds since childhood as my mommy also loves birds. As I can’t pet many birds in open air in my house as my mom does; I created my first bird cage on my rooftop using wood, copper wire, and a metal shed in 2018 and start collecting pet birds. Now, I have so many pet birds such as Macaws, Parrot, Cockatiel, Parakeet, and others. Not only that, if I see natural birds are injured I keep them in my house until they get well. Now, my hobby becomes my income source as my home birds have babies and I sell them to birds lover like mine. I’ve created this blog to inspire others bird owners by sharing my personal knowledge. Good Luck!