Pros and Cons of Blue and Gold Macaw as a Pet? Detail Explained

Pros and Cons of Blue and Gold Macaw as a Pet

One of the most well-liked of the bigger parrot species, the Blue-and-Gold Macaw is also referred to as the Blue-and-Yellow Macaw. Both names refer to the same bird. They are easy to spot thanks to the bright blue and yellow (or gold) feathers on their bodies as well as their noisy and energetic characteristics. The …

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What Macaws Are Endangered? Know Before be A Owner

What Macaws Are Endangered

There is cause for concern over the present state of all macaw species that live in the wild. At the turn of the 20th century, significant numbers were sent to both the United States and Europe as exports. The majority of macaws that live in the wild are now considered to be endangered, with several …

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Where Macaw Lives? A Complete Guide for All Species

Where Macaw Lives

Macaws are a type of parrot native to the Americas and are some of the most colorful and beautiful birds in the world. They are found in Central America, South America, and parts of Mexico.  In this article, we’ll explore where a macaw lives. We will also discuss the different types of macaws and their …

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Can Macaw Eat Apples? Are Apples Good or Bad for My lovely Makaw

Can Macaw Eat Apples

Yes, Apples are quite safe for macaws to consume; however, you should keep in mind that fruit shouldn’t be the majority of their diet. Due to the potential for negative effects, apples should not be consumed regularly but rather only as treats occasionally. In this article, you will learn in detail about the side effects …

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Do Macaws Ever Come Back Once They Fly Off? The Unexpected Truth!

Do Macaws Ever Come Back Once They Fly Off

The answer is “Yes”, in the event that a parrot flies away, it will eventually return. This is due to the inherent requirement they have for social interaction. The reason is that they are social creatures to begin with and therefore require companionship. Since they never were trained how to do it, caged birds are …

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