One of the most well-liked of the bigger parrot species, the Blue-and-Gold Macaw is also referred to as the Blue-and-Yellow Macaw. Both names refer to the same bird. They are easy to spot thanks to the bright blue and yellow (or gold) feathers on their bodies as well as their noisy and energetic characteristics.
The most popular macaw species in captivity in countries such as the US and the UK is the Blue and Gold Macaw. They are one of the most affordable macaws to purchase and breed successfully in captivity, making them excellent exotic pets.
If you are curious about the Blue-and-Gold Macaw and want to find out more about it, please continue reading because we have outlined all of the potential pros and cons of Blue and Gold Macaw as a Pet for you.
Species Overview
Details | Data |
Life Span | 30-50 years |
Size (Adult) | 81-91 cm |
Weight (Adult) | 0.09 – 1.5 kg |
Exercise | 2-3 hours at least |
Dander Free? | Yes |
Pet Friendly? | Yes |
Trainability | Relatively easy to train |
Price | $1000-$2000 |
Pros of Having a Pet Macaw
Speech & vocalization
This bird has a wonderful way with words; it is intelligent, quick to learn, and eager to please. Assuming you stick to a regular training schedule, the macaw can develop phenomenal skills.
They are capable of picking up a vocabulary of approximately 20 words and phrases. Many individuals believe that they are one of the best chatting parrots because of the quality of their voice.
Compassionate, Lovable, and Attention Seeker
If they are given the correct care, macaws have the potential to be very communicative and friendly birds. They display a wide range of actions and personalities and hope to receive a significant amount of attention in exchange for it.
Because of their size, which is relatively huge, they are simple to manage. The bond between the owner and their macaw will improve in relation to the amount of time the owner spends with their bird. So as a macaw owner, be ready to invest a good amount of time for your pet.
As soon as the bird begins to trust their owner, they transform into wonderful pets and a companion for life. However, this transformation is dependent on the owner providing the appropriate level of care for the bird in a consistent manner, without making any excuses.
Life Span
The lifecycle of a macaw typically lasts up to 50 years. If not raised as a pet, a grownup blue and gold macaw can live up to 30-35 years. Aside from that, they have a potential lifespan of much more than 50 years.
Therefore, if you want to keep a macaw as a pet, you should be prepared to have a friend for the rest of your life. This is a significant advantage of owning a macaw as a pet. The one and only drawback to owning a macaw is the high probability that it may outlive its owner, which can be a source of great emotional distress for the macaw.
Exotic Colours & Markings
The common term “blue and gold macaw” comes from the two colors of feathers that are most noticeable on these birds.
In most cases, their foreheads are green, and this color gradually fades into a baby blue color that covers the rest of their bodies, including their backsides, tails, and wings. Bright golden-yellow coloration may be seen on the chest, the bottom of the wings, and the belly of this species of macaw.
These birds have big black beaks and a patch of black feathers directly underneath their beaks. Their eyes are surrounded by white patches of skin that are decorated with small black feather rings, and the rest of their faces are covered in these white patches as well.
Loves To Play
They are also in search of everlasting entertainment and have a want for a large number of toys and other harmless goods to damage, particularly those that are fabricated from wood (due to their tendency to chew a lot).
These huge bird species thrive when engaged in activities that are intended to test their abilities. Hunting activities, such as looking for food and taking their time eating, could be included in this category of activities.
In addition to this, macaws get great enjoyment in frightening humans around them. They typically accomplish this by stooping forward and jumping up in their direction. They do this not in an attempt to hurt anyone or demonstrate aggression; rather, they do it because they take pleasure in seeing how others react to it.
Very Affordable
The purchase price of a macaw can range anywhere from $1,000 to $18,000, depending on the species.
Fortunately, Blue and Gold macaws only cost between $1,000 and $2,000, which is a steal considering that a Blue and Gold macaw possesses all of the distinctive qualities of a typical exotic bird yet can be purchased at such a low price.
Cons of Having a Pet Macaw
They’re incredibly loud.
If you are assuming that your macaw would be a well-behaved, subtle, and submissive pet bird, then be prepared for a big shock. The Blue-and-Gold Macaw is known for shouting or shrieking and makes loud and harsh calls that contain a range of croaking-type sounds as well.
At least twice per day, a pet macaw should make a loud screeching and screaming sound. Because it is quite impossible to silence them once they begin to scream, keeping these birds is not recommended for individuals who are in close quarters with other people or who reside in condominiums.
Very Expensive cage
The cage that you have to buy for this macaw will likely be one of the most costly investments that you have to make in order to care for it, even more so than the macaw itself.
It is crucial for your macaw to be able to fully extend his wings and flap them without ever colliding with anything. Due to the fact that their wingspans are 40 inches, Blue-and-Gold Macaws will need a huge cage to call their own.
It should have a minimum size of about 3 feet wide by 4 feet long by 5 feet high, but the larger it is, the better. The distance between each bar ought to be between 1 to 1.5 inches. You could also want to think about converting one of the rooms in your house into a habitat for your pet macaw.
They require a great deal of focus and consideration. It is not sufficient to merely keep a macaw as a pet and provide it with food on a daily basis.
Your pet macaw will not be content until you spend a predetermined amount of time with it each day. If you do not do this, you will not be pleased. They can grow irritable and hostile if they are not given the attention that they require.
If you are to get a pet macaw, then you will have to consider giving it enough time and attention. If you cannot spend a dedicated amount of time attending it, then it is recommended that you do not get one.
Chewing will most likely be one of their prime activities.
Macaws, including blue and gold macaws, are known to chew on virtually anything they can get their beaks on, including electrical wires, jewelry, and wooden furniture.
Therefore, you will need to make sure that your bird has plenty of things that he may chew on without hurting himself, such as pine cones, fir branches, and wood that is specifically meant for birds.
They get a kick out of discovering new things by ripping them to pieces or breaking them completely. You may also purchase toys and large perches designed specifically for large macaws, which you can place in various locations throughout your home.
Health Issues
Macaws are likely to engage in feather-plucking behaviors, which may be caused mostly by boredom or an insufficient amount of suitable mental stimulation if they are not brought on by any medical conditions. As a result, it is strongly suggested that you provide your pet macaw with a lively habitat that is full of nets and ropes so that it can play and exercise.
Other health issues include the following:
- Kidney and Urinary Tract Disorders
- Kidney and Urinary Tract Disorders
- Overgrown Beaks
- Respiratory Tract Infections
- Macaw Wasting Syndrome
- Beak and Feather Disease
Regular Cleaning
Macaws are large birds that can grow up to 40 inches long from head to tail. In keeping with their large size, they also poop a lot and in large amounts. You will need to brush and wash the cage on a frequent basis if you do not want the stench of bird poop to spread to the rest of your home. There is no way around this unless you are somehow capable of teaching your macaw to use the bathroom. Until then, this is your only option.
If you’ve settled on the idea that a Blue-and-Gold Macaw will be an excellent addition to your family as a new pet, you should make it a point to review the background of the parrot you’ll be bringing into your home before making the purchase.
The Blue-and-Gold Macaw is an incredible species of bird. They have a striking appearance and have the potential to become one-of-a-kind and devoted family pets for the appropriate people. If you are still unsure about whether or not to get a Blue and Gold Macaw, then you should feel free to read over the pros and cons of Blue and Gold Macaw as a Pet again once again.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Blue & Gold Macaw A Nice Pet?
Because of their friendly natures and generally calm attitude, Blue and Gold Macaws are wonderful companion animals. They are witty, humorous, intelligent, and, most of the time, quite kind and affectionate. In addition to this, they have a potential lifespan of up to fifty years, which means they can be lifelong buddies.
Do Macaws Love the People Who Own Them?
Yes. Macaws have a tendency to form deep bonds with the people who care for them and adore their owners. They have proven that, among all the many species of birds, they are one of the most affectionate. Again, they are very responsive to human feelings, leading to a particularly close relationship with their owners.
Do Macaws Only Like One Person?
Some species of parrots, especially macaws, are known as “one-person birds” because they tend to form close bonds with only one particular owner. However, given the proper socialization training, any macaw is capable of developing relationships with more than one person.
Where Do Macaws Like To Be Petted?
Make every effort to steer clear of touching your macaw’s back, wings, or tail. The majority of macaws enjoy having attention focused on their heads. In the wild, numerous macaws communicate with one another in a manner similar to this one.
Macaws appreciate their owners’ assistance in petting their head feathers because the birds can’t reach them on their own.
Are Blue and Gold Macaws Very Noisy?
The blue-and-gold macaw, like other macaws, is capable of producing sounds that are extremely loud and piercing to the ear, and it is also likely to experience outbursts of screaming.
Before you introduce this bird into your home, you should familiarize yourself with its vocal capabilities so that you can avoid embarrassing situations with your neighbors.
Which Species Of Macaw Is Ideal For A Pet?
The hyacinth macaw is known for being the most sociable of all the macaw species. It may be one of the largest macaws, yet despite its size, it has the kindest and most outgoing personality of all of them (even though they are a bit expensive).
Some owners are frightened by their massive frame (which can reach 40 inches) and their fierce, pointed beaks. However, they quickly come to the conclusion that their size is not a cause for concern.

Hi, I’m Regina Rios. Just another bird lover who loves to share knowledge from personal experience. I’ve grown up with pet birds since childhood as my mommy also loves birds. As I can’t pet many birds in open air in my house as my mom does; I created my first bird cage on my rooftop using wood, copper wire, and a metal shed in 2018 and start collecting pet birds. Now, I have so many pet birds such as Macaws, Parrot, Cockatiel, Parakeet, and others. Not only that, if I see natural birds are injured I keep them in my house until they get well. Now, my hobby becomes my income source as my home birds have babies and I sell them to birds lover like mine. I’ve created this blog to inspire others bird owners by sharing my personal knowledge. Good Luck!