Macaws are omnivores, which means they consume meat, fruit, and vegetables, just like the majority of people. Although their diets tend to differ depending on whether they are in the wild or in captivity, they eat many of the same things in both situations.
This article will aim to answer the specific foods Macaws and even baby Macaws eat in different habitats.
What do Pet Macaws Eat
Every day, pet macaws eat many times. They will eat throughout the day at intervals of a few hours. Due to their constant activity and demand for food, parrots have large appetites.
The list below shows the foods pet macaws consume:
- Fruit: It is good to know what fruits are beneficial for the parrot’s health. Macaws love fruit and will consume it as long as it’s safe for them to eat. Peaches, apricots, cherries, apples, pomegranates, mangoes, coconut, kiwi, and berries are some fruits that could be considered feeding
- Vegetables: Vegetables have been shown to significantly increase the lifespan of their consumers. They can get many of the vitamins and nutrients they need from the vegetables they eat, which is a very convenient thing. Vegetables such as green beans, cauliflower, spinach, carrot, artichoke, sweet potato, and beetroot are necessary components of a Macaw’s diet.
- Pellets: The pellets you feed your macaw will provide all or nearly all of the nutrients it requires. Some kinds are more suited to treating or controlling particular disorders. A macaw’s food should consist primarily of pellets. At least 75% to 80% of your bird’s diet should consist of this.
To improve your macaw’s health, you should wean it off of a seed diet gradually. The transition to the new diet will take many weeks. If your pets require pellets in their plates, you must always provide them.
- Eggs: Eggs are extremely healthy for Macaws to consume. The egg can be served cooked or raw (with eggshells even.). If cooked, it is advised to use minimal oil or butter for cooking. Eggs should also be given to macaws in moderation as too much could have a negative effect.
- Chicken: Chicken is an excellent source of nutrition for parrots to consume as well. They should consume it because it has a high protein content and can be served in a way that makes it quite beneficial for them to do so. Like eggs, the chicken should also be fed in moderation and cooked in low fat.
- Fish: Fish is a common dish to feed your parrot because it is beneficial to their overall health and can help increase their appetite. Feed your parrot fish that has been baked, poached, grilled, or steamed to your parrot. Deep fried and breaded is not safe for them to consume.
- Nuts: Macaws can snack on a lot of different nuts. But it is recommended to feed them unsalted and raw nuts and not processed ones. Macaws can have hazelnuts, almonds, cashew, walnuts, etc.
- Seeds: All kinds of parrots find it easy to chew on seeds, and because they are also rich in protein, feeding them to your parrots is an option that is thought to be quite beneficial for them. Macaws can have millet, safflower, canary seeds, buckwheat, and oats. Sunflower seeds should not be given to your Macaws since they are extremely heavy in fat and may be harmful to their general health.
What do Wild Macaws Eat
Among the wild, you might come across macaws searching for food in the branches of trees or even the ground. They rise before sunrise and set out in vast flocks in quest of the food they need to keep themselves alive.
Macaws are omnivorous parrots, which means that when they are free-ranging, they will consume a diverse array of foods. The primary factors that determine the kinds of foods they eat are the environment in which they live and the changing seasons.
Chicks are the common name for young macaws, which feed more frequently than adults. They maintain a diet that consists of eating once every four hours during the day. The chicks’ parents will vomit food for them to eat when they are old enough.
Macaws can open hard seeds and nuts with their sturdy beaks. Every day, adult macaws consume approximately 15% of their body weight. They may feed multiple times during the day.
Wild Macaws consume the foods below:
- Nuts and Seeds: Peanuts and sunflower seeds make up the majority of their diet when they are living in the wild. They will also consume grains like almonds and caches if they are available to them when they do this.
- Fruits: Wild Macaws also like to eat food. While they may not be able to get a wide variety of fruits, like pet Macaws, they still do manage to get quite a few of them. Typical fruits of choice are bananas, berries, apples, plums, etc.
- Corn: A Macaw will happily eat up corn in the wild. Corn is quite simple for them to digest, therefore it is simple for them to select out to eat, and provides a sufficient amount of food for them. However, it is not widely considered to be their diet of first choice.
- Honey Nectar: In the same way that other birds do, macaws will sip nectar throughout the day to provide them with the energy they need to survive.
- Snails: Snails are easy to find and are high in calcium, which aids in developing bones and other parts like the beaks.
- Eggs: Eggs laid by other birds supply these parrots with the essential proteins and nutrients they need to continue growing and maturing.
- Bugs: They are a good source of protein for them, and they are easy to find, so eating insects can be a relatively healthy option and easy for them.
What do Baby Macaws Eat
The young macaws consume anything that their parents provide them, which may include bugs, nuts, fruits, seeds, and vegetables. The time it takes for the chicks to achieve full maturity might range anywhere from two to ten years, depending on the species.
Macaw parents typically raise anywhere from one to four young at a time. Baby parrots are born with closed eyes and just a few feathers when they are delivered into the world. They are wholly reliant on both of their parents, who are responsible for providing for all of their needs. After a couple of days, their eyes open, and they immediately begin picking on the members of the nest who are less strong.
Macaws can consume a variety of foods as they’re omnivorous. Their nutritional needs can be met without much trouble and Macaws not being picky eaters adds to that. It’s good to make sure Macaws are fed several times a day, and it’s easy to understand when they’re hungry. I hope this article answers all your questions.

Hi, I’m Regina Rios. Just another bird lover who loves to share knowledge from personal experience. I’ve grown up with pet birds since childhood as my mommy also loves birds. As I can’t pet many birds in open air in my house as my mom does; I created my first bird cage on my rooftop using wood, copper wire, and a metal shed in 2018 and start collecting pet birds. Now, I have so many pet birds such as Macaws, Parrot, Cockatiel, Parakeet, and others. Not only that, if I see natural birds are injured I keep them in my house until they get well. Now, my hobby becomes my income source as my home birds have babies and I sell them to birds lover like mine. I’ve created this blog to inspire others bird owners by sharing my personal knowledge. Good Luck!